Submission #1101578

Source Code Expand

// vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Library code start

#define NDEBUG

#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <random>

#define forn(t, i, n) for (t i = 0; i < (n); ++i)

using namespace std;

/// caide keep
bool __hack = std::ios::sync_with_stdio(false);
/// caide keep
auto __hack1 = cin.tie(nullptr);

template <class T>
T gen_pow(T ret, T x, uint64_t pow) {
    while (pow) {
        if (pow & 1) {
            ret *= x;
        pow /= 2;
        if (pow) {
            x *= x;
    return ret;

#define ENABLE_IF(e) typename enable_if<e>::type* = nullptr

namespace template_util {
    template<class T>
    constexpr T min(T a, T b) {
        return a < b ? a : b;

    constexpr int bytecount(uint64_t x) {
        return x ? 1 + bytecount(x >> 8) : 0;

    /// caide keep
    template<int N>
    struct bytetype {
        typedef uint64_t type;

    /// caide keep
    struct bytetype<4> {
        typedef uint32_t type;

    /// caide keep
    struct bytetype<3> {
        typedef uint32_t type;

    /// caide keep
    struct bytetype<2> {
        typedef uint16_t type;

    /// caide keep
    struct bytetype<1> {
        typedef uint8_t type;

    /// caide keep
    struct bytetype<0> {
        typedef uint8_t type;

    /// caide keep
    template<uint64_t N>
    struct minimal_uint : bytetype<bytecount(N)> {

template<class T>
T next(istream& in) {
    T ret;
    in >> ret;
    return ret;

template<class T>
vector<T> next_vector(istream& in, size_t n) {
    vector<T> ret(n);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        ret[i] = next<T>(in);
    return ret;

#define dbg(...) ;

 cache invs
 primitive root
 discrete log


namespace mod_impl {
    /// caide keep
    template <class T>
    constexpr inline T mod(T MOD) {
        return MOD;

    /// caide keep
    template <class T>
    constexpr inline T mod(T* MOD) {
        return *MOD;

    /// caide keep
    template <class T>
    constexpr inline T max_mod(T MOD) {
        return MOD - 1;

    /// caide keep
    template <class T>
    constexpr inline T max_mod(T*) {
        return numeric_limits<T>::max() - 1;

    constexpr inline uint64_t combine_max_sum(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) {
        return a > ~b ? 0 : a + b;

    constexpr inline uint64_t combine_max_mul(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) {
        return a > numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max() / b ? 0 : a * b;

    /// caide keep
    template <class T>
    constexpr inline uint64_t next_divisible(T mod, uint64_t max) {
        return max % mod == 0 ? max : combine_max_sum(max, mod - max % mod);

    /// caide keep
    template <class T>
    constexpr inline uint64_t next_divisible(T*, uint64_t) {
        return 0;

    //caide keep
    constexpr int IF_THRESHOLD = 2;

    template <class T, T MOD_VALUE, uint64_t MAX,
            class RET = typename template_util::minimal_uint<max_mod(MOD_VALUE)>::type,
            ENABLE_IF(MAX <= max_mod(MOD_VALUE) && !is_pointer<T>::value)>
    inline RET smart_mod(typename template_util::minimal_uint<MAX>::type value) {
        return value;

    template <class T, T MOD_VALUE, uint64_t MAX,
            class RET = typename template_util::minimal_uint<max_mod(MOD_VALUE)>::type,
            ENABLE_IF(max_mod(MOD_VALUE) < MAX && MAX <= IF_THRESHOLD * max_mod(MOD_VALUE) && !is_pointer<T>::value)>
    inline RET smart_mod(typename template_util::minimal_uint<MAX>::type value) {
        while (value >= mod(MOD_VALUE)) {
            value -= mod(MOD_VALUE);
        return (RET)value;

    template <class T, T MOD_VALUE, uint64_t MAX,
             class RET = typename template_util::minimal_uint<max_mod(MOD_VALUE)>::type,
             ENABLE_IF(IF_THRESHOLD * max_mod(MOD_VALUE) < MAX || is_pointer<T>::value)>
    inline RET smart_mod(typename template_util::minimal_uint<MAX>::type value) {
        return (RET)(value % mod(MOD_VALUE));

#define MAX_MOD mod_impl::max_mod(MOD_VALUE)

struct DenormTag {};

template <class T, T MOD_VALUE, uint64_t MAX = MAX_MOD, ENABLE_IF(MAX_MOD >= 2)>
struct ModVal {
    typedef typename template_util::minimal_uint<MAX>::type storage;
    storage value;

    /// caide keep
    inline ModVal(): value(0) {
        assert(MOD >= 2);

    inline ModVal(storage v, DenormTag): value(v) {
        assert(MOD >= 2);
        assert(v <= MAX);

    inline operator ModVal<T, MOD_VALUE>() {
        return {v(), DenormTag()};

    typename template_util::minimal_uint<mod_impl::max_mod(MOD_VALUE)>::type v() const {
        return mod_impl::smart_mod<T, MOD_VALUE, MAX>(value);

template <class T, T MOD_VALUE, uint64_t MAX,
        uint64_t NEW_MAX = mod_impl::next_divisible(MOD_VALUE, MAX),
        ENABLE_IF(NEW_MAX != 0),
        class Ret = ModVal<T, MOD_VALUE, NEW_MAX>>
inline Ret operator-(const ModVal<T, MOD_VALUE, MAX>& o) {
    static_assert(NEW_MAX <= numeric_limits<typename Ret::storage>::max(), "bad unary minus template");
    assert(NEW_MAX % MOD == 0 && o.value <= NEW_MAX);
    return {typename Ret::storage(NEW_MAX - o.value), DenormTag()};

template <class T, T MOD_VALUE, uint64_t MAX1, uint64_t MAX2,
        uint64_t NEW_MAX = mod_impl::combine_max_sum(MAX1, MAX2),
        ENABLE_IF(NEW_MAX != 0), class Ret = ModVal<T, MOD_VALUE, NEW_MAX>>
inline Ret operator+(ModVal<T, MOD_VALUE, MAX1> o1, ModVal<T, MOD_VALUE, MAX2> o2) {
    return {typename Ret::storage(typename Ret::storage() + o1.value + o2.value), DenormTag()};

template <class T, T MOD_VALUE, uint64_t MAX1, uint64_t MAX2,
        uint64_t NEW_MAX = mod_impl::combine_max_mul(MAX1, MAX2),
        ENABLE_IF(NEW_MAX != 0), class Ret = ModVal<T, MOD_VALUE, NEW_MAX>>
inline Ret operator*(ModVal<T, MOD_VALUE, MAX1> o1, ModVal<T, MOD_VALUE, MAX2> o2) {
    return {typename Ret::storage(typename Ret::storage(1) * o1.value * o2.value), DenormTag()};

template <class T, T MOD_VALUE, uint64_t MAX1, uint64_t MAX2,
        uint64_t NEW_MAX = mod_impl::combine_max_mul(MAX1, MAX2),
        uint64_t NEW_MAX1 = mod_impl::combine_max_mul(MAX_MOD, template_util::min(MAX1, MAX2)),
        ENABLE_IF(NEW_MAX == 0 && NEW_MAX1 != 0 && MAX2 < MAX1),
        class Ret = ModVal<T, MOD_VALUE, mod_impl::combine_max_mul(MAX_MOD, MAX2)>>
inline Ret operator*(const ModVal<T, MOD_VALUE, MAX1>& o1, const ModVal<T, MOD_VALUE, MAX2>& o2) {
    return {typename Ret::storage(typename Ret::storage(1) * o1.v() * o2.value), DenormTag()};

template <class T, T MOD_VALUE, uint64_t MAX1, uint64_t MAX2,
        uint64_t NEW_MAX = mod_impl::combine_max_mul(MAX1, MAX2),
        uint64_t NEW_MAX1 = mod_impl::combine_max_mul(MAX_MOD, template_util::min(MAX1, MAX2)),
        ENABLE_IF(NEW_MAX == 0 && NEW_MAX1 == 0),
        class Ret = ModVal<T, MOD_VALUE, mod_impl::combine_max_mul(MAX_MOD, MAX_MOD)>>
inline Ret operator*(const ModVal<T, MOD_VALUE, MAX1>& o1, const ModVal<T, MOD_VALUE, MAX2>& o2) {
    return {typename Ret::storage(typename Ret::storage(1) * o1.v() * o2.v()), DenormTag()};

template <class T, T MOD_VALUE, uint64_t MAX>
inline ModVal<T, MOD_VALUE>& operator+=(ModVal<T, MOD_VALUE>& lhs, const ModVal<T, MOD_VALUE, MAX>& rhs) {
    lhs = lhs + rhs;
    return lhs;

template <class T, T MOD_VALUE, class MOD_TYPE>
struct ModCompanion {
    typedef MOD_TYPE mod_type;
    typedef ModVal<mod_type, MOD_VALUE> type;

    template <uint64_t C>
    inline static constexpr ModVal<mod_type, MOD_VALUE, C> c() {
        return {C, DenormTag()};

    template <uint64_t MAX = numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max()>
    inline static ModVal<mod_type, MOD_VALUE, MAX> wrap(uint64_t x) {
        assert(x <= MAX);
        return {typename ModVal<mod_type, MOD_VALUE, MAX>::storage(x), DenormTag()};

    template <uint64_t MAX>
    inline static ModVal<mod_type, MOD_VALUE> pow(const ModVal<mod_type, MOD_VALUE, MAX>& x, uint64_t n) {
        if (n == 0) {
            return c<1>();
        auto v = pow(x * x, n / 2);
        return (n & 1) ? x * v : v;

#undef MAX_MOD

template <uint64_t MOD_VALUE>
struct Mod : ModCompanion<uint64_t, MOD_VALUE, typename template_util::minimal_uint<MOD_VALUE>::type> {
    template<uint64_t VAL>
    static constexpr uint64_t literal_builder() {
        return VAL;

    template<uint64_t VAL, char DIGIT, char... REST>
    static constexpr uint64_t literal_builder() {
        return literal_builder<(10 * VAL + DIGIT - '0') % MOD_VALUE, REST...>();

#define REGISTER_MOD_LITERAL(mod, suffix) \
template <char... DIGITS> mod::type operator "" _##suffix() { \
    return mod::c<mod::literal_builder<0, DIGITS...>()>(); \

template <class T, T MOD_VALUE, uint64_t MAX>
inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, ModVal<T, MOD_VALUE, MAX> val) {
    s << val.v();
    return s;

namespace option_detail {
    /// caide keep
    struct NoneHelper {};

template<class Value>
class Option {

                  "Option may not be used with reference types");
                  "Option may not be used with abstract types");

    Value* get_pointer() && = delete;

    // Return b copy of the value if set, or b given default if not.

    // Return b copy of the value if set, or b given default if not.


    struct StorageTriviallyDestructible {
        // uninitialized
        bool hasValue;


    /// caide keep
    struct StorageNonTriviallyDestructible {
        // uninitialized
        union { Value value; };
        bool hasValue;

        ~StorageNonTriviallyDestructible() {

        void clear() {
            if (hasValue) {
                hasValue = false;

    /// caide keep
    using Storage =
    typename std::conditional<std::is_trivially_destructible<Value>::value,

    Storage storage_;

// Comparisons.

template<class V> bool operator< (const Option<V>&, const V& other) = delete;
template<class V> bool operator<=(const Option<V>&, const V& other) = delete;
template<class V> bool operator>=(const Option<V>&, const V& other) = delete;
template<class V> bool operator> (const Option<V>&, const V& other) = delete;
template<class V> bool operator< (const V& other, const Option<V>&) = delete;
template<class V> bool operator<=(const V& other, const Option<V>&) = delete;
template<class V> bool operator>=(const V& other, const Option<V>&) = delete;
template<class V> bool operator> (const V& other, const Option<V>&) = delete;

namespace index_iterator_impl {
    template <class T>
    struct member_dispatch_helper {

        T value;

    // Have to caide keep all the members to comply to iterator concept
    // Otherwise generated code won't be portable between clang and g++
    template <class C, bool reverse = false>
    struct index_iterator {
        /// caide keep
        typedef random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
        /// caide keep
        typedef decltype(((C*)nullptr)->operator[](size_t(0))) reference;
        /// caide keep
        typedef typename remove_reference<reference>::type value_type;
        /// caide keep
        typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
        /// caide keep
        typedef conditional<
                typename add_pointer<value_type>::type,
                member_dispatch_helper<value_type>> pointer;

        /// caide keep
        typedef index_iterator<C, reverse> self_t;

        /// caide keep
        static const difference_type dir = reverse ? -1 : 1;

        /// caide keep
        index_iterator() = default;

        /// caide keep
        inline bool operator!=(const self_t& o) { return index != o.index; }
        /// caide keep
        inline bool operator<(const self_t& o) { return reverse ? index > o.index : index < o.index; }
        /// caide keep
        inline bool operator>(const self_t& o) { return reverse ? index < o.index : index > o.index; }
        /// caide keep
        inline bool operator<=(const self_t& o) { return reverse ? index >= o.index : index <= o.index; }
        /// caide keep
        inline bool operator>=(const self_t& o) { return reverse ? index <= o.index : index >= o.index; }

        /// caide keep
        inline reference operator*() { return (*container)[index]; }
        /// caide keep
        inline const reference operator*() const { return (*container)[index]; }
        /// caide keep
        inline pointer operator->() { return pointer((*container)[index]); }

        /// caide keep
        inline self_t& operator++() { index += dir; return *this; }
        /// caide keep
        inline self_t operator++(int) { auto copy = *this; index += dir; return copy; }
        /// caide keep
        inline self_t& operator--() { index -= dir; return *this; }
        /// caide keep
        inline self_t operator--(int) { auto copy = *this; index -= dir; return copy; }

        /// caide keep
        inline self_t& operator+=(difference_type n) { index += dir * n; return *this; };
        /// caide keep
        inline self_t& operator-=(difference_type n) { index -= dir * n; return *this; };
        /// caide keep
        inline friend self_t operator-(self_t a, difference_type n) { return a -= n; };
        /// caide keep
        inline friend self_t operator+(difference_type n, self_t a) { return a += n; };
        /// caide keep
        inline friend self_t operator+(self_t a, difference_type n) { return a += n; };
        /// caide keep
        inline friend difference_type operator-(const self_t& a, const self_t& b) { return dir * (a.index - b.index); };

        /// caide keep
        inline reference operator[](difference_type n) { return (*container)[index + dir * n]; };
        /// caide keep
        inline const reference operator[](difference_type n) const { return (*container)[index + dir * n]; };

        C* container;
        difference_type index;

namespace multivec_impl {
    template <size_t NDIMS>
    struct shape {
        size_t dim, stride;
        shape<NDIMS - 1> subshape;
        shape(size_t dim_, shape<NDIMS - 1>&& s): dim(dim_), stride(s.size()), subshape(std::move(s)) {}
        size_t size() const { return dim * stride; }
    template <> struct shape<0> { size_t size() const { return 1; } };

    template <size_t I, size_t NDIMS>
    struct __shape_traverse {
        static size_t get_dim(const shape<NDIMS>& s) {
            return __shape_traverse<I - 1, NDIMS - 1>::get_dim(s.subshape);

        ///caide keep
        static const shape<NDIMS - I>& get_subshape(const shape<NDIMS>& s) {
            return __shape_traverse<I - 1, NDIMS - 1>::get_subshape(s.subshape);

    template <size_t NDIMS>
    struct __shape_traverse<0, NDIMS> {
        static size_t get_dim(const shape<NDIMS>& s) { return s.dim; }

    template <size_t I, size_t NDIMS>
    size_t get_dim(const shape<NDIMS>& s) { return __shape_traverse<I, NDIMS>::get_dim(s); }

    ///caide keep
    template <size_t I, size_t NDIMS>
    const shape<NDIMS - I>& get_subshape(const shape<NDIMS>& s) { return __shape_traverse<I, NDIMS>::get_subshape(s); }

    template <class Index, class... Rest, size_t NDIMS, ENABLE_IF(is_integral<Index>::value)>
    size_t get_shift(const shape<NDIMS>& s, size_t cur_shift, Index i, Rest... is) {
        assert(0 <= i && i < s.dim);
        return get_shift(s.subshape, cur_shift + i * s.stride, is...);

    template <size_t NDIMS> size_t get_shift(const shape<NDIMS>&, size_t cur_shift) { return cur_shift; }

    template <class... T> shape<sizeof...(T)> make_shape(T... dims);

    template <class Dim, class... Rest, ENABLE_IF(is_integral<Dim>::value)>
    shape<sizeof...(Rest) + 1> make_shape(Dim dim, Rest... dims) {
        assert(dim >= 0);
        return {(size_t)dim, make_shape<Rest...>(dims...)};

    template <> shape<0> make_shape() { return {}; }

    ///caide keep
    template <class T, size_t NDIMS>
    struct vec_view_base;

    template <template<class, size_t> class Base, class T, size_t NDIMS>
    struct vec_mixin : public Base<T, NDIMS> {
        using Base<T, NDIMS>::Base;
        /// caide keep
        typedef Base<T, NDIMS> B;
        template <size_t I = 0> inline size_t dim() const { return get_dim<I>(B::s); }
        inline size_t size() const { return B::s.size(); }

        ///caide keep
        template <class... Indices, bool enabled = NDIMS == sizeof...(Indices), ENABLE_IF(enabled)>
        inline T& operator()(Indices... is) {
            size_t i = multivec_impl::get_shift(B::s, 0, is...);
            return B::data[i];

        ///caide keep
        template <class... Indices, bool enabled = sizeof...(Indices) < NDIMS, ENABLE_IF(enabled)>
        inline vec_mixin<vec_view_base, T, NDIMS - sizeof...(Indices)> operator()(Indices... is) {
            size_t shift = multivec_impl::get_shift(B::s, 0, is...);
            const auto& subshape = multivec_impl::get_subshape<sizeof...(Indices)>(B::s);
            return {subshape, &B::data[shift]};

        inline void fill(const T& val) {
            std::fill(raw_data(), raw_data() + B::s.size(), val);

        inline vec_mixin& operator=(const vec_mixin& o) {
            assert(B::s == o.get_shape());
            memcpy(raw_data(), o.raw_data(), sizeof(T) * size());
            return *this;

//    protected:
        inline T* raw_data() {
            return &B::data[0];

        inline const T* raw_data() const {
            return &B::data[0];

    template <class T, size_t NDIMS>
    struct vec_view_base {
        multivec_impl::shape<NDIMS> s;
        T* data;

    template <class T, size_t NDIMS>
    struct vec_base {
        inline vec_base(multivec_impl::shape<NDIMS>&& s_): s(move(s_)), data(new T[s.size()]) {}
        inline vec_base(const vec_base& o): s(o.s), data(new T[s.size()]) {
            memcpy(data.get(),, sizeof(T) * s.size());
        multivec_impl::shape<NDIMS> s;
        unique_ptr<T[]> data;

 - do we need vec_view_const?
 - add more features (lambda initialization etc.)
 - properly use const
 - proper tests coverage

template <class T, size_t NDIMS>
using vec = multivec_impl::vec_mixin<multivec_impl::vec_base, T, NDIMS>;

template <class T, class... NDIMS>
inline vec<T, sizeof...(NDIMS)> make_vec(NDIMS... dims) {
    return {multivec_impl::make_shape(dims...)};

template <class T, template <class, size_t> class B1, template <class, size_t> class B2>
vec<T, 2> operator*(multivec_impl::vec_mixin<B1, T, 2>& a, multivec_impl::vec_mixin<B2, T, 2>& b) {
    size_t n = a.template dim<0>();
    size_t n1 = a.template dim<1>();
    size_t m = b.template dim<0>();
    size_t m1 = b.template dim<1>();
    assert(n1 == m);
    auto ret = make_vec<T>(n, m1);
    forn (size_t, i, n) {
        forn (size_t, j, m1) {
            T sum = {};
            forn (size_t, k, n1) {
                sum += a(i, k) * b(k, j);
            ret(i, j) = sum;
    return ret;

template <class T, template <class, size_t> class B2>
vec<T, 2>& operator*=(vec<T, 2>& a, multivec_impl::vec_mixin<B2, T, 2>& b) {
    return a = a * b;

// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Library code end

using md = Mod<1000000007>;
/// caide keep
using mt = md::type;

void solve(istream& in, ostream& out) {
    int h = next<int>(in);
    int w = next<int>(in);
    uint64_t k = next<uint64_t>(in);
    if (k == 0) {
        out << 1 << "\n";
    auto f = next_vector<string>(in, h);
    int cnt = 0, cx = 0, cy = 0, cxIn = 0, cyIn = 0;
    forn (int, i, h) {
        forn (int, j, w) {
            if (f[i][j] == '#') {
                if (i + 1 < h && f[i + 1][j] == '#') {
                if (j + 1 < w && f[i][j + 1] == '#') {
                if (i + 1 == h && f[0][j] == '#') {
                if (j + 1 == w && f[i][0] == '#') {
    dbg(cnt, cx, cy, cxIn, cyIn, k);
    if (cx == 0 && cy == 0) {
        out << md::pow(md::wrap<1000000>(cnt), k - 1) << "\n";
    if (cx > 0 && cy > 0) {
        out << "1\n";
    auto id = make_vec<mt>(2, 2);
    id(0, 0) = id(1, 1) = 1_mod;
    auto a = make_vec<mt>(2, 2);
    a(0, 0) = md::wrap<1000000>(cnt);
    a(0, 1) = -md::wrap<1000000>(cx > 0 ? cxIn : cyIn);
    a(1, 1) = md::wrap<1000>(cx + cy);
    a = gen_pow(id, a, k - 1);
    out << a(0, 0) + a(0, 1) << "\n";

int main() {
    solve(cin, cout);
    return 0;

Submission Info

Submission Time
Task F - Fraction of Fractal
User winger
Language C++14 (GCC 5.4.1)
Score 1700
Code Size 22558 Byte
Status AC
Exec Time 11 ms
Memory 1280 KB

Judge Result

Set Name Sample All
Score / Max Score 0 / 0 1700 / 1700
AC × 3
AC × 47
Set Name Test Cases
Sample s1.txt, s2.txt, s3.txt
All 01.txt, 02.txt, 03.txt, 04.txt, 05.txt, 06.txt, 07.txt, 08.txt, 09.txt, 10.txt, 11.txt, 12.txt, 13.txt, 14.txt, 15.txt, 16.txt, 17.txt, 18.txt, 19.txt, 20.txt, 21.txt, 22.txt, 23.txt, 24.txt, 25.txt, 26.txt, 27.txt, 28.txt, 29.txt, 30.txt, 31.txt, 32.txt, 33.txt, 34.txt, 35.txt, 36.txt, 37.txt, 38.txt, 39.txt, 40.txt, 41.txt, 42.txt, 43.txt, 44.txt, s1.txt, s2.txt, s3.txt
Case Name Status Exec Time Memory
01.txt AC 11 ms 1280 KB
02.txt AC 10 ms 1280 KB
03.txt AC 10 ms 1280 KB
04.txt AC 10 ms 1280 KB
05.txt AC 10 ms 1280 KB
06.txt AC 11 ms 1280 KB
07.txt AC 10 ms 1280 KB
08.txt AC 7 ms 1280 KB
09.txt AC 10 ms 1280 KB
10.txt AC 11 ms 1280 KB
11.txt AC 7 ms 1280 KB
12.txt AC 7 ms 1280 KB
13.txt AC 9 ms 1280 KB
14.txt AC 6 ms 1280 KB
15.txt AC 7 ms 1280 KB
16.txt AC 7 ms 1280 KB
17.txt AC 10 ms 1280 KB
18.txt AC 11 ms 1280 KB
19.txt AC 11 ms 1280 KB
20.txt AC 10 ms 1280 KB
21.txt AC 11 ms 1280 KB
22.txt AC 7 ms 1280 KB
23.txt AC 6 ms 1280 KB
24.txt AC 7 ms 1280 KB
25.txt AC 6 ms 1280 KB
26.txt AC 7 ms 1280 KB
27.txt AC 6 ms 1280 KB
28.txt AC 6 ms 1280 KB
29.txt AC 3 ms 256 KB
30.txt AC 3 ms 256 KB
31.txt AC 3 ms 256 KB
32.txt AC 3 ms 256 KB
33.txt AC 3 ms 256 KB
34.txt AC 3 ms 256 KB
35.txt AC 3 ms 256 KB
36.txt AC 3 ms 256 KB
37.txt AC 3 ms 256 KB
38.txt AC 3 ms 256 KB
39.txt AC 3 ms 256 KB
40.txt AC 3 ms 256 KB
41.txt AC 3 ms 256 KB
42.txt AC 3 ms 256 KB
43.txt AC 3 ms 256 KB
44.txt AC 3 ms 256 KB
s1.txt AC 3 ms 256 KB
s2.txt AC 3 ms 256 KB
s3.txt AC 3 ms 256 KB